Monday, April 9, 2007


Hi guys! I'm Jesse, and I'm a Knitter. If you don't knit, you probnably won't understand a word I'm saying so you should probably find another blog to read.
I've been toying with the idea of setting up a knitting blog for a while now, but always made excuses not to. I argued that it would cut into my knitting time (a very convincing arguement, actually). But then this afternoon (well, actually about half an hour ago) I decided that not only would it be good for my hands (forcing me to put down the needles once in a while), but communicating with other knitters would be beneficial for me. I also just realised that it will also help me regain my mad typing skillage. (I haven't once looked at the keyboard since I started typing this post. This brings me an almost embarassing amount of satisfaction.)

I'd like to get the word out right this instant that I AM A GIRL!!! Yes, I know my name is spelled the boy way, suck it up.

Here's some knitting for you!
Okay, maybe not. I am having some trouble getting a picture on here. Oh well. Maybe tomorrow.


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